Coach Mentorship

Coach Mentorship
Coach Mentorship
Master the Art of Empowering Others.


  • Feeling Stuck
  • Lacking Motivation
  • Feeling Overwhelmed 
  • Relationship Breakdowns
  • Not Following through on Goals
  • To Improve your Health & Fitness
  • Change Careers or Relationships
  • Start or Improve a Business
  • Achieve Big Dreams
Gina Faubert - Radiant Girls - Coaching

Personal Growth Coaching

Using the some powerful NLP tools, you can uncover your desires, your drive, and revive your vitality.  Now’s the time to purposefully design and execute on the life of your dreams

Gina Faubert - Radiant Girls - Coaching

Business & Leadership

Proven tools, strategies, and experience to help you lead your business with the passion, success and balance you envision 

Gina Faubert - Radiant Girls - Coaching

Parent & Youth

Helping parents strengthen their most important relationships, and supporting youth in navigating their sometimes turbulent childhood and teenage years.

Gina Faubert - Radiant Girls - Coaching

Coaching for Coaches

Take your passion of helping people to a place of consistent results, and raving fans.  We’ll help you master coaching skills, add to your toolbox, and build a sustainable business to thrive in this rewarding career.

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The Basis of Coaching Sessions

The Power of MER & NLP Coaching

I have been studying personal growth and psychology for over 2 decades, a certified Life Coach for 15 Years, and working with Tony Robbins for 7 years. I completed my Master NLP Practitioner training 6 years ago and trained in MER, and Hypnosis.

What is NLP

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is a collection of tools and techniques that are used to create significant and lasting changes in people in a short period of time.

Fascinated with Transformation

I became obsessed with NLP after attending a Tony Robbins event and watching him transform a boy who had stuttered for over 10 years and had little success with therapy. 

Where Did NLP Come From?

Most of the language, tools and techniques Tony Robbins uses is considered NLP. Its roots go back to the 70’s when two inquisitive minds (John Grinder and Richard Bandler) started studying therapists who were getting quick and remarkable results.

What Does NLP Do?

NLP is essentially a study of the connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”), and behavioural patterns learned through experience (“programming”), and as such these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

How Can NLP Help Me or My Child?

I primarily use NLP in my sessions to initially create rapport and trust, so clients can open up and tell me what’s really going on. I use NLP to help clients gain clarity for what they truly want, and develop clear and concise goals that support their outcomes. 

Mental Emotional Release (MER)

Imagine if you could be free from your fears, self-doubts, procrastination, and your past hurts – better yet, imagine if you could go for a goal with the focus of a laser, or living in a state of gratitude and contentment with ease.

What is MER

MER stands for Mental Emotional Release Therapy. It’s also known as Timeline Therapy. It was developed out of an NLP technique and put into a specific process by Tad James (one of Tony Robbins’ close NLP friends in the early days).

What Can MER Do?

I find using this therapy extremely effective in my breakthrough sessions because it clears negative emotions and allows us to get to the root of issues quickly and easily. 

The Beauty of MER

What’s also really great about MER is I don’t need to know what your issues, conflicts, or traumas are. I have you think about them briefly, but we almost never have to talk about them. 

How Do I Experience MER?

MER is typically used in Breakthrough sessions that are 3-4 hours long. Most breakthrough sessions focus on one specific area of life ie. health, relationship, school/career, etc. 

How to Get Started

Book a complimentary 20-minute meeting to connect, share your concerns, get a feel for my approach, have your questions answered, and find out how I can help.

Tell us about your needs by scheduling a free consultation.

Elevate your life

Our coaching programs help mindful executives, conscious contributors and engaged parents live powerful, purposeful lives.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Work with the language of your mind to override lifelong limiting behaviors.

Mind-Body Training

Bring your body and mind into alignment with pilates, yoga and meditation.

Coaching Membership Options

Coaching can be purchased in a package or in a monthly membership plan. 

To begin a monthly plan, please choose one of the options below. Then click Subscribe. 

If you would like to learn more about my Coaching Packages, click on the link below or email:  

Without the mentorship, skills, and confidence I received as a teen, my life would have been filled with constant stress, worry and fear. Kids desperately need to learn how to move their body, how to release stress, and know what empowerment feels like. More than ever, social media, school and our culture is void of these important skills. I believe girls who embrace these principles will be the leaders of tomorrow - and they will go on to inspire others!
Gina Faubert
Founder of Radiant Girls Inc.

contact us

Let us know which program you are interested in and we will contact you to schedule a free consultation.


Ontario, Canada

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